Evangelism 4 Today helps prospective evangelists pursue their passion for becoming evangelists and take ministry full-time to reach thousands of people with the gospel. Please consider a donation of $5.00. Each class will teach the "how to" of evangelism and discover how to become a full-time evangelist. Use the link below to go to our Ministry Support Page. Pay the donation on our VANCO Server.
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This is a must-watch video on learning about becoming an evangelist. Dr. Tony Rizzo explains what is in store for you as you join our program. Check it out!
This book is mandatory reading to complete our program. Check out this quick review and order it in our bookstore today. Find it on Amazon Today
1 Peter 3:15 is our Vision and Objective. Prepare yourself for the next step as you prepare to become an evangelist.
Welcome to our Evangelist Mentor Academy. We are investigating what it means to become a full-time evangelist.
Believers should be ready to give the Gospel to each person they meet. They should have this message ready on their lips, according to 1 Peter 3:15.
Merriam-Webster defines Evangelism as “the winning or revival of personal commitments to Christ,” According to Strong’s definition, the Greek word euaggelistēs is “a preacher of the gospel.” Thayer’s Greek Lexicon defines Evangelism as “a bringer of good tidings.” Evangelism summed up, is the belief in communicating the Gospel to the world for others and developing faith in Jesus Christ.
How can souls hear unless believers tell them? Evangelism is intended to declare the Gospel to the world, so how do believers do that? There are many varied ways that believers may proclaim the Gospel.
There are many methods of implementing evangelism in a believer’s personal life and through the local church. Believers often hesitate to evangelize boldly for many challenging reasons, which will be discussed later. These challenges may be faced more confidently when the believer has the right tools to be able to evangelize
Evangelism is purposed to declare the Gospel of God. There are essential ingredients to accomplish this purpose. With culture easily swayed by the thoughts of relativism, one needs to remain constant in the truth of the Gospel. “Biblical faith is (among other things) a reasonable belief in the truth of an uncertain proposition.
Evangelism is not without its burdens. Too often, this work of God is ignored for many reasons. Evangelist Vance Havner once said, “Evangelism is to Christianity what veins are to our bodies. You can cut Christianity anywhere and it’ll bleed evangelism.” Unfortunately, this is not true for many believers claiming “Christianity.” Nervousness, anxiety, fear, and shame frequently come alongside evangelism.
As we share the love of Christ, the message we tell goes far beyond our words. We convey much through our body language, facial expressions, eyes, and the content, tone, and pitch of our voice. If we are preoccupied with ourselves, we are not sincerely interested and concerned about people; others will detect it in us. Integrity in sharing Christ extends beyond our words to how we feel and act toward others personally.
The evangelist possesses a strong and God-given passion and love for people to come to know the Lord as Savior. We would view an evangelist as obsessed with communicating and proclaiming the Gospel message to the world. Yes, worldwide evangelism should be the evangelist’s vision and consuming mission. How is this vision materialized? The evangelist should properly prepare to evangelize.
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